Thursday, February 7, 2008

What a Patriot.

Romney refuses to help terrorists take the White House:

"I forestall the launch of a national campaign and frankly I'd be makign it easier for Senator Clinton or Obama to win. Frankly, in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror."

He would have a really tough time being a senator, walking into work every day, not knowing who is wearing a three piece suit full of explosives. Also, why didn't he stop all negative campaigning before? Oh, wait it wasn't negative he was just trying to show the facts, those crazy, difficult things.

Is it really necessary to constantly use these politics of fear(tm)? We already know that the democrats hate America, move on to something else.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Conservatives won't vote for McCain?

Cutting off your nose to spite your face, anyone? Ok, I guess there will be some hard core conservatives who will vote for the democratic candidate. Should be about the same amount as people who moved out of the country after Bush won in 2004. If I was in McCain's camp, I would not worry about the Rush Limbaugh's of the world, especially if pandering to them would alientate any potential democrats and independants who would come over. He needs to realize his strenth comes from the center and not the far right. Now that the republican primary is almost over, he can sleep safely knowing that he won't lose conservative votes to Clinton.

When I was much younger, I was forced to watch James Dobson's "Focus on the Family" videos. From around the age of 12, I developed an intense dislike of this man. He likes to take to the soapbox just a little too much, and I think any real christian would be against his constant messages of exclusion and mistrust. I am actually more likely to vote for a candidate that he would never consider.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why does everyone hate Hillary, Socialist Medicine and the National Debt

I don't think Hillary is that horrible of a person. Other than her personality, I don't really see where all the hatred comes from. Her stances don't even seem that far left compared with a lot of the senate. I think too many people just use the Clinton name to get conservatives fired up over losing the white house again.

-All of the current democratic proposals for health care are not a horrible way of doing thing. I think that socialist medicine has turned into a way of insulting someones health care plan, instead of looking at how the plan works. The only single payer health care system was pushed by Kucinich and he is gone now. Obama's and Hillary's plans are very similar(to Romney's Mass plan).

-Currently the dems are the ones cutting spending. They will raise taxes on the rich, but we have to increase income somewhere and I think that somehow they will make it through. Our national debt has almost doubled since Bush took office and I think that we need to start paying off some of that or the interest will start to crush us. In the past 30 years, every time a democrat has been in office the national debt as a proportion of GDP has gone down. Every republican has it it go up. This definitely has to do with taxes, but there are other factors as well.

If/When Huckabee drops out...

I don't think Romney is going to pick up a majority of the crazy christian vote the Huckabee leaves behind. There are a good amount of them who would NEVER consider voting for a mormon.
Also, I think the republicans really don't want to see Romney become the nominee. He has almost no chance against either Hillary or Obama. Look at every poll the pits the potential nominees against each other. Romney has alienated too many people with his policy switches, religious speeches, religion, smirk, negative campaigning and little white lies. Everyone else does have some of those issues, but it seems like he is the complete package.

My Presidental Standings

Not to be confused with rankings, they were who I liked the best.


1) Hillary Clinton(She is leading most states)
2) Barack Obama(Can he get his name out there enough?)
NA) John Edwards(Done.)

1)John McCain(I just can't see any of the other candidates competing with him nationally)
2)Mitt Romney(He has been neck and neck with McCain almost everywhere, I think his only votes come from people who think he is pretty and from people who hate McCain)
3)Mike Huckabee(Almost gone, there just aren't enough politically active evangelicals out there, and he has scared everyone else off)
4)Ron Paul(Never had a chance)

General Election

I think McCain beats Hillary because:
Independants like him better
Most people who dislike him would never vote for Hillary
I can see people on the fence going for an old white guy to be safe

On the bright side, I agree with Bill Clinton that a McCain/Clinton(or McCain/Obama) would not be a mean spirited election(from the candidates). I am confused why he would say that though(not really, he wants to sow distrust among the republicans who hate the Clintons).

Romney would get destroyed by either democrat, and I think Obama could beat McCain with more time to become a more national figure.

Hillary's done, Obama's done, everyone is done

It must be exhausting covering the primary process. Every week it seems like the entire situation changes and there is a new winner or some old front runner who is completely out. How does it happen that in the span of less than a week.

-Obama and Clinton are splitting the black vote
-Obama has 10% of the white vote(in one poll with no other recent actions which would suggest such a drop)
-Obama wins South Carolina(granted by a larger margin than expected)
-Obama can win the white vote(did he have trouble in Iowa/NH?)
-Obama has shown that he can win in the South(it's one state!)
-Obama is the frontrunner
-Florida doesn't count(and by the way the DNC is made up of idiots for doing this)
-Clinton thinks Florida should count(of course, she is winning)
-Clinton wins Florida(as expected)
-Clinton is the frontrunner(because everyone remembers that she leads in almost all the other states)

The republican side isn't much better, but I think they only have one candidate who is viable nationally now that Guliani has completely blown has campaign(and then dropped out). This just seems so ridiculous because the media seems so bi-polar. They need to actually remember what they were talking about last week, or maybe just look at the big picture.

From what I have seen, these seem to be the crucial issues for this primary season.

-Can Obama make inroads with the Latino vote?
-Can Obama get the name recognition across the country before Super Tuesday?
-Will Edwards drop out?
-Who will his votes go to?
-What will become of Bill Clinton?

-Will anyone say something really stupid?
-Will people get sick of McCain's snarky remarks towards Romney(I am starting to now that he is repeating the same crap and its not very funny)?
-When will Huckabee drop out?
-Who will get his votes?

I really cannot see the democratic race coming down to Florida and Michigan, because the uproar would be deafening. The delegates will be sat, but the winner should be decided before then.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Presidential Rankings

1. Barack Obama- I kind of liked the reagan comment, I think he means it and could govern effectively from the center

2. John McCain- I am concern about his age, he just isn't as sharp as he used to be
3. Rudy Guliani- Why does everyone around him dislike him?
4. Ron Paul-It would never work, but I don't think he is crazy by any means.
5. Hilary Clinton-I think the far right media would never stop complaining
6.John Edwards- A little too anti-business for me
7. Mike Huckabee-I don't think I like the idea of a president who forces his decisions on others
8. Mitt Romney- See below