Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Conservatives won't vote for McCain?

Cutting off your nose to spite your face, anyone? Ok, I guess there will be some hard core conservatives who will vote for the democratic candidate. Should be about the same amount as people who moved out of the country after Bush won in 2004. If I was in McCain's camp, I would not worry about the Rush Limbaugh's of the world, especially if pandering to them would alientate any potential democrats and independants who would come over. He needs to realize his strenth comes from the center and not the far right. Now that the republican primary is almost over, he can sleep safely knowing that he won't lose conservative votes to Clinton.

When I was much younger, I was forced to watch James Dobson's "Focus on the Family" videos. From around the age of 12, I developed an intense dislike of this man. He likes to take to the soapbox just a little too much, and I think any real christian would be against his constant messages of exclusion and mistrust. I am actually more likely to vote for a candidate that he would never consider.

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