Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Presidental Standings

Not to be confused with rankings, they were who I liked the best.


1) Hillary Clinton(She is leading most states)
2) Barack Obama(Can he get his name out there enough?)
NA) John Edwards(Done.)

1)John McCain(I just can't see any of the other candidates competing with him nationally)
2)Mitt Romney(He has been neck and neck with McCain almost everywhere, I think his only votes come from people who think he is pretty and from people who hate McCain)
3)Mike Huckabee(Almost gone, there just aren't enough politically active evangelicals out there, and he has scared everyone else off)
4)Ron Paul(Never had a chance)

General Election

I think McCain beats Hillary because:
Independants like him better
Most people who dislike him would never vote for Hillary
I can see people on the fence going for an old white guy to be safe

On the bright side, I agree with Bill Clinton that a McCain/Clinton(or McCain/Obama) would not be a mean spirited election(from the candidates). I am confused why he would say that though(not really, he wants to sow distrust among the republicans who hate the Clintons).

Romney would get destroyed by either democrat, and I think Obama could beat McCain with more time to become a more national figure.

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