Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mitt Romney, is that your real name?

My problem with Romney isn't the flip-flopping, it is the changing of his positions to suit the current need. If he became the nominee you would definitely see him move back to the center to win voters there. I think his hunting experiences really point to him as a person.
To move to the right he says he is a lifelong hunter. He then has to clarify that he has only hunted twice. And then he says he is a hunter but only meant hunting in certain contexts.
It's just crap like that which keeps happening over and over again with him.
He says A.He said B before.
A is a more conservative stance than B. A is how he really feels and B was taken out of context/a joke/how he felt at a different part of his life/said when he was drunk. A good amount of these changes happened right before he decided to run for president.
It's just too convenient.
With his history of policies, I think I would like Romney over most of the presidential candidates. He seems to be close to the middle on a good amount of things. It seems like it would be good to have a moderate from the republicans, even one that comes in undercover. However, I just don't trust the guy at all. I feel more strongly against him as president than any other candidate.
Also, I hate his smirk.

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