Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thompson and the Flag

Well I am happy, I didn't ask Fred Thompson any questions. He was always too angry anyway, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

One thing I did not realize is that South Carolina put up the Confederate Battle Flag in 1962. Considering what was happening at the time in the civil rights movement, it gets a lot harder to justify it as a symbol of heritage.

In a related note, I think I respect Mike Huckabee less every week. There are just too many times when he seems uninformed and can say some really right things to the people who want to hear it.

Telling a group of evangelicals that he wants to remake the constitution in the bible's image:
Ok, it's one thing to say that the country needs to return to biblical values, it is another to say what he said. They may mean nearly the same thing, but they have very different connotations and Huckabee has to be smart enough to know this. I trust him much less after hearing that.

Telling South Carolinian's he would let them decide what to do with their flag:
More shameless pandering and telling people what they want to hear.

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